The image of God carried by most people is that He is impersonal, irrelevant, critical, distant and not very interesting. The greatest need they have is to live their lives with an ever-expanding view of Him. Isaiah 40; 2 Corinthians 3,4; John 8; Job 38-40
Living as if God is a real Person, a present Person, a perfect Father, infinitely good and infinitely great is essential for enjoying Him. Psalm 16, 139; Hebrews 10; Luke 15
Tragically, most people’s image of God is shaped more by the limitations of their earthly father and lies of the enemy, than by the truth of God. Genesis 3; John 8; 2 Corinthians 4; Matthew 7
The biggest battles Christians face against the world, the flesh, and the enemy happen during the active hours of our day. Philippians 2; Ephesians 6; 2 Corinthians 10
Taking small steps towards an ever-expanding view of God will lead to an increasing desire and passion to know and follow God. John 8, 14; Romans 12 & many verses on walking with God
The true measure of our spiritual progress is the frequency and depth of our encounters with God that will naturally result in sharing God stories. Psalm 145 and many verses to “tell” of His works
We need to recalibrate the way we encounter God when reading the Bible. When we know what God is truly like, we see the rest of the Bible in a very different light. Matthew 23; John 6,9
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ScholarshipDoug Sherman, founder of Trading Up, writes the daily messages by taking one or more scriptures, simplifying their meaning and then writing messages as though God is speaking directly to you in a personal way. An author of seven Christian books, Doug holds a Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary
by seeing Him clearly and enjoying Him in the active hours of your day in fresh ways that creates big life change.
TradingUp can help you change your view of God, powerfully impacting how you see yourself, your circumstances, and your relationship with Him. You will gain traction and momentum in finally enjoying God in fresh ways that will surprise you.
Doug Sherman, founder of Trading Up, has a unique and compelling life message and core beliefs that can be summarized by the following Manifesto. These statements are the foundation to our ministry.
TradingUp.Org Manifesto